Sprat (Clupea sprattus), a small fish of the Herring family, found in great numbers on many parts of our coasts and on the coasts of Europe washed by the Atlantic. In shape and colour it closely resembles the herring, but is much smaller, and may be easily distinguished from the larger fish by the sharply-notched edge of the abdomen, by the more forward position of the ventral fins, and by the absence or vomerine teeth. Sprats are often taken in immense numbers, so that the market is overstocked, and large quantities are used for manure. Sprats are excellent eating, and would be more highly valued if they were not so plentiful. Large quantities are dried for future use or export; on the Baltic coasts they are cured with spices; and at Deal are factories where they are put up in oil like sardines. The ova of the sprat are shed in the open sea, though not far from land, and the young fry are sold as whitebait.