South, ROBERT (1633-1716), a celebrated English divine, was born in Hackney; and was sent to Westmimster School, proceeding thence to Christ Ohurch, Oxford. He became in 1660 public orator of the university, and was rapidly promoted in the Church, though he declined to accept a see. He was successively chaplain to the Earl of Clarendon, Prebendary of Westminster, Canon of Christ Church and rector of Islip in Oxfordshire. He was a strong opponent of the Dissenters, and poured all the wit and eloquence he possessed on them and their doctrines. He took no part in the furtherance of the Revolution, though he did not strenuously object to it. He was charged with heterodoxy for attempting to explain an inscrutable mystery in in his famous controversy with Sherlock on the Trinity. His chief writings are his Sermons, which abound with wit and good sense, and are often very eloquent and refined. They form twelve volumes, and entitle South to a very conspicuous place in the roll of notable English preachers. He had a somewhat sarcastic temper, which he gave as his reason for refusing a bishopric.