Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Somme, THE, a river of France, which rises in the department of Aisne, flows W. through that of Somme, and passing St. Quentin, Ham, Amiens, and Abbeville, enters the channel between St. Valery and Le Crotoy, after a course of about 125 miles. Owing to the silting up of its mouth, a canal connects it with the sea. The department to which it gives its name lies between Pas de Calais, N. of Seine Inferieure, and Oise, S., and Aisne E. There are large factories for the weaving of velvets, moleskins, tul1e, and other tissues, for making sugar and spirits, and for locks and other iron goods. Amiens, Abbeville, Montdidier, and Peronne are towns of importance.