Solomon ("MAN OF PEACE"), the son of David by Bathsheba, succeeded his father on the throne of Israel about 1015 B.C., being then eighteen. He began his reign by putting to death his brother Adonijah, and Joab, and by banishing Abiathar. He married a daughter of Pharaoh, allied himself with Tyre and other neighbouring nations, and set about the promotion of the political and commercial welfare of his country. The Temple was begun in 1018, and completed in seven years, and a palace was also built in Jerusalem, the walls and fortifications of which city were constructed anew. The naval power of Israel appears to have been vigorously developed. He devoted much attention to natural history, and even to the black art, if Arabian and Talmudic traditions may be credited. Many literary works were attributed to him; but, with the exception of Proverbs (q.v.), it seems probable that he had no part in these compositions. Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon undoubtedly belong to a later date, as does the Psalter bearing his name. Solomon expired in his fifty-eighth year.