Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution is a scientific foundation established at Washington, United States of America, in 1846, The history of its origin is this:- James Smithson, son of a Duke of Northumberland, graduate of Oxford, where he was distinguished for his attainments in chemistry, became in 1790 F.R.S. and associated with the men of scientific note of the day, After a life of travel, he died at Genoa, and left a large property to his nephew, with reversion, in default of direct heirs, to the United States, for scientific purposes. Thus, in 1838, the United States Treasury inherited 515,169 dols., and the interest on this enabled them to start the Institution on a liberal scale. The interest only of the fortune is employed, and with this research is endowed and scientific publications are issued. The buildings are fine, and contain the national museum and a good library as well as the Library of Congress.