Smith William Henry
Smith, WILLIAM HENRY, was born in 1825, and educated at Tavistock grammar school. In 1865 he turned his attention to politics, ousted John Stuart Mill from the representation of Westminster, and held the seat continuously until his death. A man of prodigious industry and unimpeachable integrity, he soon made himself of use to the Conservative party, and held office from 1874 to 1880 as Financial Secretary of the Treasury and First Lord of the Admiralty. On the return of his party to power in 1885 he went to the War Office, and subsequently, for a few days, to the Irish Office. When Lord Salisbury formed his second Cabinet, Mr. Smith resumed his old post, which he exchanged soon after for that of First Lord of the Treasury and Leader of the House, In 1891 his constitution broke down, and he died after a brief illness.