Sligo, a county in the province of Connaught, Ireland, and its capital. The former is bounded N. by the Atlantic, W. by Mayo, S. by Roscommon, and E. by Leitrim, having an area of 721 square miles. The coast is deeply indented by the bays of Sligo, Donegal, and Killala, and the surface, low and swampy towards the sea, rises to the Slieve Gamph and Ox Monntains, over 2,000 feet in height. In this upper district are many loughs. The Arrow, Moy, Owenmore, and Garvogue are navigable rivers, and fish abound in all the streams and on the coast. The town of Sligo stands on the Garvogue river, and possesses a fairly good harbour. A considerable export trade is done in agricultural produce, flax, and linen, and there are flourishing flour-mills, saw-mills, breweries, etc. The only other towns in the county are Dromore and Tobercurry.