Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Sixtus, the name by which five Popes have been known in history. Chief among these was SIXTUS V. (FELICE PERETTI) who began life in 1521 as the son of a poor gardener at Ancona, entered a Cordelier monastery as a servant, educated himself diligently, was admitted to orders under the preudonym of Montalto, obtained the red hat in 1570, and succeeded to the chair of St. Peter in 1585. His reign was marked by great vigour. He embellished Rome with fine buildings, beginning the dome of St. Peter's, enlarging the Vatican Library, and constructing a great aqueduct.. He excommunicated Elizabeth of England and Henry of Navarre, and, dying in 1590, left an enormous fortune to the Holy See.