Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada ("Snowy Range"), (1) the name given to the most southernly and elevated of the parallel systems that cross Spain from east to west. It traverses the whole of Granada from Alhama to Baza, a distance of over 100 miles, and contains the peaks of Mulhacen (11,678), and Veleta (11,378), the snow-line being drawn at about 9,500 feet. In geological formation the range resembles the Pyrenees, and is rich in iron, copper, silver-lead, zinc, and antimony. (2) The great chain of North America, which runs parallel to the Rocky Mountains between California and Utah also bears this name in part of its course. The Sierra Nevada forms the west boundary of the state of Nevada, and extends from lat. 37° to 42° N., being the watershed of the Sacramento, the San Joaquin, and other Californian rivers. The best known peak is Mount Shasta (14,000 feet). In formation the range is volcanic, and it possesses great mineral resources, silver being especially abundant.