Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Shovel, SIR CLOUDESLEY (c. 1650-1707), an English admiral of humble parentage, probably born at Clay in Norfolk. He ran away to sea, and, speedily rising through the humbler ranks, served as lieutenant under Sir John Narborough against Tripoli (1674). He was present at the actions in Bantry Bay (1689) and off Beachy Head (1690), and took a very prominent part in the battle of La Hogue (1692). He subsequently served under Rooke in the Mediterranean, and in 1705 became commander-in-chief of the British navy, co-operating in that capacity with Peterborough (1705-7). During his voyage back to England his ship was wrecked on the Scilly Isles, and all on board were drowned.