Seville, a province and its capital in the south of Spain. The former has an area of 5,429 square miles, being bounded N. by Badajoz, S. by Malaga and Cadiz, E. by Cordova, and W. by Huelva and the Atlantic. Though rugged and barren where broken up by the Sierra Morena in the N., the greater portion consists of a rich plain traversed by the Guadalquivir from N.E. to S.W. All the vegetable products of Europe grow in abundance, oil, wine, oranges, and olies being exported largely. The rough grounds afford pasture to many sheep and oxen, and the mountains yield lead, copper, silver, iron, and coal. There are also salt-mines. Among the manufactures are silken and wollen goods, chocolate, tobacco, pottery, and glass, and since the development of railways trade has much increased. Important towns are Carmona, Ecija, Ossuna, Utrera, Moron de la Frontera, Marchena, and Lebrija. The capital stands ont he left bank of the Guadalquivir, 355 miles S.W. of Madrid, and accessible for small vessels from the sea. In Roman times it was a prosperous city. It passed from the Goths to the Arabs in 712 A.D., and flourished under them until recovered by Ferdinand III. in 1248. The cathedral (1403-1519) is a fine example of Spanish Pointed Gothic. The Giralda Tower is partially Mauresque, but the noblest monument of Arab rule is the Alcazar, a riverside palace. Other remarkable features of the city are the archiepiscopal palace (1697), the university (1567), the Casa del Ayuntamiento (1545), and the vast Plaza de Toros or bull-ring. There are considerable exports of skins, wool, silk, and oil, and the manufactures include cannon-founding, small-arms, tobacco, pottery and porcelain, petroleum, coarse woolen goods, silken fabrics, and preserves.