Seven Sleepersof Ephesus
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, THE, form the subject of an ancient Syrian legend, the earliest mention of which in the West occurs in the 6th century in the writings of Gregory of Tours. The story is that during the Decian persecution seven Christian youths took refuge in a cave, and were there imprisoned by their pursuers, who rolled huge stones against the mouth. By the Divine favour they fell into a deep sleep, from which they were accidentally awakened by the movements of a shepherd after the lapse of nearly 200 years. One or the youths was sent to buy food, and as he drew near the town he wondered at seeing the cross erected over the gate and churches. Offering a coin or Decius in exchange for bread, he was arrested on the suspicion that he had discovered hidden treasure. A visit to the cave, however, convinced the citizens of the truth of his story. The sleepers were visited by the Emperor Theodosius, who learnt from them that the miracle had been wrought to confirm his faith in the resurrection. Thereupon the seven again sank into a calm sleep, from which they will not awake till the last day.