Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Seine Inferieure
Seine-Inferieure, a department of France, bounded N. and N.W. by the Channel, N.E. by Somme, S. by Eure and the mouth of the Seine, E. by Oise. The area of about 2,330 square miles is mostly a plateau sloping from the E., where it is 800 feet above sea-level, to the river and sea, where the cliffs are broken by eroded valleys. The hills of Caux divide the department, the southern half being made up chiefly of pastures and forests, whilst arable farms prevail in the N. Industries flourish, for Rouen is the Manchester and Elbeuf the Leeds of France, and there are engineering works at Havre and Rouen, tobacco factories at Dieppe, whilst sugar, flaxen yarn, lace, glass, and otber manufactures are produced at other places.