Scolopendrella is a genus of Arthropods of great interest, as it appears to some extent to combine some of the characters of Insects and Myriapods. The body is composed of numerous segments, which are in the main similar to one another, and are all provided with limbs. In this character it agrees with the Myriapods and differs from Insects, in which the segments of the body are grouped into three dissimilar sets, and those of the hindmost or abdomen have no limbs. The mouth-parts, however, are arranged very differently to anything known among the Myriapods, as they ate situated within the head, and not as appendages upon it; in this Scolopendrella agrees with some primitive insects, such as the Collembola (q.v.). There are, however, some insects with rudiments of limbs on the abdomen (eg. on the Thysanura, and the cercopoda on the last segment of Orthoptera, etc.), and thus Scolopendrella may be regarded as a primitive type of Insect in which the somites are not very markedly dissimilar, and the limbs of the abdomen still persist.