Schleswig, or SLESWICK, a district and a town, in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, bounded on the north by Denmark and on the south by Holstein, and forming the neck of the Danish peninsula. It has an area of 3,000 square miles, and is for the most part undulating and fertile, with marshes along the deeply-indented coasts, which are only preserved from the sea by dykes. The rearing of cattle for export, the making or butter and cheese, and the sea-fisheries form the principal industries. Flensberg, Schleswig, Hadersleben, Husum, Tonder, and Frederikstadt do a considerable trade. The port of Schleswig is on the Schlei Creek, 70 miles north-west of Hamburg. Formerly a member of the Hanseatic League, it is the oldest town in the province, and contains the palace of Gottorp with its spacious grounds, the home of the ducal family that has supplied kings to Sweden and czars to Russia. [HOLSTEIN.]