Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Schlegel August
Schlegel AUGUST WILHELM, was born in 1767, and graduated at Gottingen, going ultimately as professor to Jena, where his brother was also established. At Jena he composed his classical tragedy Ion, and began the fine translation of Shakespeare which was finished by Tieck. In 1802 he moved to Berlin, published the Blumenstrausse, and, having divorced his wife, entered into the literary service of Madame de Stael, with whom he travelled through Europe, delivering his lectures on Dramatic Literature at Vienna. For two years he acted as secretary to Bernadotte, but returned to Madame de Stael in 1815, and remained with her till her death. His last years were spent in the study of Sanskrit at Bonn, where he died in 1845.