Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Scabious (Scabiosa), a considerable genus of perennial herbs belonging to the Teazle family (Dipsaceae), and named from thir former use in skin disease. There are three British species, the blue-purple and lilac capitula of which, distinguished from all Compositae by the four free anthers of each floret, are familiar on every heath and in every cornfield. The abruptly "premorse" rhizome gives one species (S. succisa) the popular name Devil's-bit, the legend being that the tip of the root was a cure for all diseases, and was therefore bitten off by the Evil One out of envy of the human race. A species (S. atropurpurea) common in gardens, with dark chocolate-black flowers with white stamens, is known as "mournful widow."