Saxe, MARSHAL, COUNT MAURICE OF SAXONY, natural son of Frederick Augustus I. of Saxony and Poland by the Countess von Konigsmarck, was born in 1696. In 1717 he raised the siege of Belgrade. Going to France after the peace of Utrecht, he accepted in 1725 the duchy of Cour1and. In spite of a valiant struggle he had to resign his acquisition and return to Paris. In 1734, his father being dead, he entered the French service under Berwick, and covered himself with glory at Philipsburg. Getting command of a division in the War of the Austrian Succession, he took Prague (1741) and Egra (1742), was made a Marshal, and entrusted with the charge of the army of Flanders. He won the battles of Fontenoy, Raucoux, and Laufeldt, took Brussels, Antwerp, Namur, Maestricht, and other fortresses, and was loaded with honours by Louis XV. He died in 1750.