Sanchoniathon, a somewhat shadowy Phoenician historian, who is said to have lived in the 2nd or 3rd century before Christ. The 1iterature of Phoenicia had perished before advancing Greek thought and energy, and was considered irrecoverable. Sanchoniathon was cited by Porphyry when he attacked the Mosaic account, and Philo Byblius, who had translated the fragments known as The History of Ploenicia, and assumed to be Sanchoniathon's, into Greek, vouched for the authenticity. Philo's character for honesty was considerable, but many scholars believe the work to be a forgery. Philo says Sanchoniathon was a native of Berytus, and lived in the reign of Semiramis. That such a writer existed seems clear, his name being held in reverence in ancient times, but there is grave doubt as to his History, which would be of immense importance if quite genuine. Philo may either have worked upon some real fragments of Sanchoniathon's writing, or he may, himself have been deceived by a forger.