Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Samnites, a people of ancient Italy, who inhabited Samnium (ie. Sabinium), which bordered on Campania and Apulia. They were originally a band of Sabines who emigrated earlier than the foundation of Rome, conquered the original Opicians, and adopted their language. Their warlike nature and love of freedom made them formidable enemies of the Romans. The first Samnite War - undertaken by the Romans in aid of Campania - began in 343 B.C., the second in 327 B.C. In 321 the Samnites, aided by neighbouring tribes, gave the Romans a severe check, but in 290 B.C. Roman supremacy was established. In 90 B.C. a revolt of the Samnites was followed by an almost universal massacre, and their career as a nation was ended.