Sago, the granulated starch obtained from the pith of various species of palm, chiefly in the East Indian Archipelago, and shipped from Singapore, Metroxylon (Saqus) Rumphil and M. loeve the chief sago-yielding species, are especially cultivated in the island of Ceram, in Borneo, and in Sarawak. Inferior kinds are derived from the Gomuti palm (Arenga saccharifera), the Kittool Palm Caryota Urens), the Cabbage Palm (Corypha umbraculifera), from C. Gebanga and other species. They grow in low marshy situations, becoming mature in about fifteen years when they are felled and split and the abundant starch washed out of the central spongy tissue and passed through sieves, Were the fruit allowed to form and ripen, all this tissue would be absorbed, the stem becoming hollow and the tree dying directly after fruiting: Sago is imported in three finenesses - common brown or large sago, pearl sago, and sago flour, in small boxes or bags of 1/4 to 2 cwts. each. Our imports have been approximately 9,000 tons in 1860, 13,500 tons in 1870, 19,000 tons in 1880, and 28,000 tons in 1890.