Sabbath (from a Hebrew word signifying "rest from labour"),denotes the seventh day which, in the Mosaic Law, was set apart in commemoration of the finishing of the work of Creation. It was marked by a total cessation from labour, and had analogies with the seventh month in the seventh (Sabbatical) year. Nehemiah did much to revive its observation, and Rabinical tradition increased its obligations to an oppressive degree, the Samaritans being more particular than the Jews in observing its minutiae. It was only gradually that Christians began to transfer some of the sabbatical obligations to their Sunday, and it was left for the Puritans to declare the Mosaic law applicable to Christians in a still more strict sense than to the Jews. A stringent Act of Charles II. forbids Sunday trading and labour, works of charity and mercy being excepted. The Sabbatarians of the present day would forbid almost all recreation and amusement upon Sunday; but many Christian churches and an increasing number of people in England, while considering that cessation from all but necessary toil is, if not of divine ordination, yet very desirable, would encourage recreation and amusement.