Rowing is the art of propelling a boat by means of sculls or oars. Since the advance of knowledge in the use of sails, and especially since the introduction of steam, rowing has been restricted to small boats, though in ancient times (and in later times in the case of galleys for slaves) large craft have used this mode of progression. The principle of rowing is an application of the lever, the water forming the fulcrum, and, though the oar seems to move a considerable distance through the water. the distance traversed by it is small. The chief points of good rowing are to get a good reach forward, to put the whole weight of the body into the stroke, and to feather, that is, to bring the oar back with the blade flat without touching the water and so stopping the way of the boat. The introduction into England of the sliding-seat, in 1871, has worked a great revolution in English rowing. The difference between rowing and sculling is that in the latter a man uses two oars, one on either side, and in the former he uses one oar only.