Roumania, a kingdom of S.E. Europe, includes what were known as the Moldo-Wallachian principalities, together with the Dobrudsha on the Black Sea. Their independence was secured by the Treaty of Berlin (1878), and the kingdom was formed in 1881. Its area is 46,314 square miles, and the soil is mostly rich, but suffers from drought, and the extremes of heat and cold are great. Wheat, maize, millet, barley, rye, beans, and peas are grown, and fruits are abundant, including the grape, which makes good wine when care is bestowed upon the preparation. There are extensive forests, and cattle, sheep, and hogs are largely bred, while excellent horses are exported to Austria and Germany for cavalry purposes. Though minerals abound, salt, saltpetre, and petroleum are the chief that are worked. The river system belongs to the Danube, the other principal rivers being the Sereth, Moldava, and Truth. The Court language used to be Greek, but French is now used. The legislative functions are exercised by the king, a senate of 120 elected for 8 years, and a house of 183 deputies elected for 4 years, the method of election being the scrutin de liste. [Rumanians.]