Rougeet Noir
Rouge-et-Noir, a somewhat complicated gambling game, introduced into France in 1789, but now prohibited in France and Germany, and flourishing only at Monte Carlo. The table upon which it is played has rounded ends, and is narrow in the middle, being divided into four sections, each of which is marked by red and black diamonds alternately. Bands crossing the narrow part of the table divide it into halves, and the ends of the table have concentric yellow bands. Six full packs are used, and after cutting a row of cards to the number of 31 or more is dealt to Noir, and another to Rouge. The court cards count 10, and the rest according to pips, and the row that makes nearest to 31 wins. If the rows are of equal value, it is a refait, and a new deal is required. If each row makes 31, there is a refait de trente-et-un, and the bank gets half the stakes. Other points in the game are couleur and inverse, the former winning if the first card be of the winning colour, the latter if the contrary be the case.