Rouen, anciently capital of Normandy, and now of Seine-Inferieure, is in a gently-sloping valley on the Seine, 87 miles N.W. of Paris. Rouen is on the right bank, and is connected by two bridges with St. Sever on the left. There is a beautiful view from St. Catherine's Hill on the S.E. The town is dark and dirty, though very antique, and in the W. and alongside the quays there are some fine buildings. The cathedral - begun in 1220 - has a west front opening upon the flower-market, this front being flanked by two towers and covered with statues and carvings. Its length is 435 ft., breadth 124 ft., and height 89 ft., and the style Early Pointed, and it has three large rose windows. There are also good stalls and some painted glass, while within are tablets commemorating the burial there of Richard I., Geoffrey Plantagenet, and John, Duke of Bedford. Other objects of interest are the Archbishop's Palace, St. Ouen's Abbey with its perfect church, Tour de la Grosse Horloge. Hotel de Ville. 15th-century Palais de Justice, the Musee, and the Anciennes Halles. In the Place de la Pucelle a statue of Joan of Arc marks the supposed place of her death. For its cotton manufacture Rouen has been called the Manchester of France, while some of its special goods have the name "rouenneries." Other industries are the manufacture of woollen goods, machines, soap, chemicals, earthenware, sugar, copper, iron, together with spinning, tanning, bleaching, dyeing. There is much trade with Paris and Havre, and large ships can ascend to Rouen. The journey by boat to Havre is interesting for its scenery and the places which are passed.