Rostock, a North German town in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in a flat district, on the left bank of the Warnow, a navigable river which forms an inland lake communicating with the Baltic, 59 miles N.E. of Liibeck. It consists of Old, New, and Middle Town, the first of which is irregularly built and the middle well built. Notable features are the Grand Duke's palace, the Stadthaus with its seven towers, the 14th-century church, and the university. The chief objects of industry are machinery, cotton, tobacco, paper, brewing, distilling, and ship-building. There is a great trade, especially with Great Britain, and the fisheries are important. Corn, wool, Max, butter, and salt provisions are exported. Rostock was a member of the Hanseatic League. Bliicher was born and Grotius died here.