Rosmini, Carlo de (1758-1827), Italian historian and biographer, was born in the Tyrol, and, being destined by his parents for the law, studied at Innspruck, but on his return to his native place was induced to betake himself to literature, his moderate fortune enabling him to devote himself to a literary career without inquietude. In 1802 be went to Milan, where he remained till his death. He wrote a considerable number of works, all of which show erudition, accuracy, and impartiality, the most important of them being a. Life of Ovid (1789), a Life of Seneca (1793). a Life of Victorino da /'cltro (1801), a Life of Fr. Filelfo (1808). a Life of Qiov. Giac. Trivulzio (1815), and a History of Milan, in 4 vols. (1820). He was a member of the Florentine Academy, and exercised much influence on the literary movement of his time.