Roe Roe Deer
Roe, Roe Deer (Caqrreolus caprea), a small deer, native in Europe and Western Asia, formerly common in Wales and on both sides the Scottish border, though few are now to be found south of Perthshire. The male stands a little over two feet at the withers, has a reddish-brown coat in summer, turning grey in winter, and antlers consisting of a rough bifurcated beam, the hinder branch of which is again forked, all the points being sharp and capable of inflicting a serious wound. Roe-Deer do not herd, a buck and roe with their fawns keeping together. They feed largely on the tender shoots of young trees, and do considerable damage to woods and plantations. The venison is less esteemed than that of the fallow deer, and the antlers are used for knife-handles, etc.