Rochelle, a French town and seaport, on the Atlantic at the extremity of the bay which forms the roadstead, is the capital of Charente-Inferieure, and 95 miles N.W. of Bordeaux. In front are the isles of Rh6 and Oleron. The town is well built and fortified. The most notable features are the Porte de l'Horloge, the cathedral, the Hotel de Ville, and the Palais de Justice. Ship-building, and the manufacture of cotton, glass, stoneware, and sugar are the principal industries. The harbour is large and safe, and consists of an outer tidal basin and inner wet dock, capable of taking ships of 500 tons. The quay is planted with trees. Brandy, wine, wood, coal, salt, dairy produce, and oil are the chief objects of trade. Rochelle was a Protestant stronghold after the Reformation.