Rhizopoda is one of the subdivisions of the phylum Protozoa (q.v.), and includes all those in which the animal is provided with the thick, irregular, and non-vibratile processes from the body known as pseudopodia. These serve either for locomotion or in the procuring of food. In the typical cases the pseudopodia vary in shape and position, being withdrawn from one place and protruded in another; sometimes, however, they are stable, but are always retractile. In the first stage in the life-history, a whip-like process or flagellum may be present, but this never occurs in the adult. There are seven classes: -
(1) Heliozoa, or Sun-animalculae.
(2) Radiolaria, or Polycistina.
(3) Foraminifera.
(4) Amcebina, including the Proteus-animalcule.
(5) Mycetozoa, or Fission-fungi.whickare possibly vegetable.
(6) Labyrinthulidea.
(7) Proteomyxa, including a group of primitive and little-known forms.