Reward, a compensation or return for something done. It has a legal significance, for, by a statute passed in George IV.'s reign, in order to encourage the apprehension of offenders in certain cases (and in substitution of previous enactments) it is provided that when a person shall appear to have been active in or towards the apprehension of anyone charged with murder, or with a felonious and malicious shooting or attempting to shoot, stabbing, cutting, or poisoning, or administering anything to procure miscarriage, or with rape, burglary, or felonious house-breaking, bullock-stealing or sheep-stealing, or with being accessory before the fact to any of such offences or to receiving any stolen property, a reasonable compensation shall be awarded him for his expense, exertion, and loss of time, and in case a man be killed in such attempt the court may order compensation to his wife or relatives.