Revolver, a repeating fire-arm, now generally a pistol, possessing a single barrel, and a cylinder holding five or more cartridges. By means of mechanism connected with the lock this cylinder revolves, bringing the charged chambers successively into line with the barrel. In an earlier form the barrel, which was four-fold, used to revolve, and so bring each aperture beneath the hammer. An American, named Colt, made such improvements in the mechanism as brought the instrument into general use, and since the introduction of the system of breech-loading and the employment of metal cartridges the weapon has been greatly improved and modified. Among the improvements may be mentioned self-cocking, automatic ejection of spent cartridges, and safety-bolts to prevent accidental discharge. Deane and Adams, Smith and Wesson, and Webley are the chief modern revolver-makers. The principle has also been extended to some types of quick-firing guns. The principle itself is of some antiquity.