Reuss, the name of two principalities of Central Germany ruled by different lines of the same family. All the males of each line are called Henry, and are distinguished by numbers, a fresh series starting with each fresh hundred in the elder and each century in the younger branch. It consists of (1) Reuss-Greiz (ruled by the elder line), of 148 square miles, on the left bank of the Saale and traversed by the Elster, and (2) Reuss-Schleiz with Reuss-Lobenstein-Ebersdorf, containing 297 square miles. The former of these is largely pasture-land, rearing much horned cattle and sheep, and producing potatoes, flax, and some hops, while the chief manufactures are woollen, linen, and cotton-weaving. The latter is well-wooded and fertile, and produces much grain. Iron is worked, and there is much quarrying of roofing-slates. The population of both is mostly Protestant.