Retz, Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal DE (1614-79), was born at Montmirail, and was the nephew of an Archbishop of Paris and son of a French officer. He was partly educated by the famous Vincent de Paul, and in his early years had some reputation as a gallant and duellist. His ambition, however, was great, and he cleverly ingratiated himself into the favour of Louis XIII., and was made coadjutor to his uncle, whom he succeeded. His intrigues against Mazarin made him popular in Paris, and he took a leading part in the civil warltnown as the Fronde. The Pope made him a cardinal in 1651, but in 1652 his intriguing became too dangerous, and he was arrested and imprisoned, but managed to make his escape, and after Mazarin's death (1661) he was allowed to return. He lived in retirement and wrote his valuable Memoirs during his later years.