Rennes, once the capital of Brittany, now the capital of the French department Ille-et-Vilaine, is at the junction of the two rivers bearing those names. The Vilaine, which flows from east to west, and is crossed by three bridges, sepajates the High from the Low Town. The Basse-Ville lies low, and is subject to inundations, and the streets are poor and narrow; but the Haute-Ville, most of which was destroyed by fire in 1720, has wider streets and some good buildings, the principal of which are the cathedral, Palais de Justice, and the Hotel de Ville. There is a considerable trade in butter, honey, wax, lace, cotton and linen yarns, and among the industries are tanning, boot-, hat-, and glove-making, the manufacture of agricultural implements and of stained paper, and printing. Du Guesclin was born here.