Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Reindeer Period
Reindeer Period, a term applied by M. Lartet in 1863 to the close of the Palaeolithic age, or a period intermediate between that and the Neolithic age, when the reindeer abounded in the south of France, together with mammoth, Irish deer, cave-lion, and marmot, as evidenced by their remains in the caves of Dordogne, Perigord, Aude, and Mont Saleve. Flint implements occur in these caves - less rude than those of Abbeville (St. Acheul) type, but not ground or polished - well-shaped bone needles, and various incised drawings on bone, but no metal objects. The climate seems to have been colder and culture less than in the period of the Swiss lake-dwellings.