Rawal, or Rawal Pindi, a division, district, and capital town in the province of the Punjab, British India. The division has an area of 15,435 square miles, and comprises the districts of Rawal Pindi, Jhelum, Gujerat, and Shahpur. The district, with an area of 4,861 square miles, lies on the slopes of the Himalayas, and consists of mountains divided by fertile valleys, along which torrents run down to the Indus or Jhelum. Agriculture is the only industry, save cotton-weaving, and the country is poor. The capital, standing half-way between the Indus and the Jhelum, is a well-built, modern place, and, being on the highway to Attock, Peshawar, and Cabul, has 6ome military importance, and does a large transit trade, especially in grain.