Raj Mahali
Raj-Mahali, Dravidian people of the Rajmahal Hills, north of Chota Nagpore, between Upper and Lower Bengal; call themselves Mali ("Men"), and speak an uncultivated but distinct Dravidian dialect of archaic type. (Dr. Caldwell, The Languages of India, p. 10.)
K.ajputana, the name given to a group of twenty-one states in Central India, all of which are under independent native rule except Ajmere, whence a British resident exercises supervision and advisory powers. The total area thus administered amounts to some 130,000 square miles, having the Punjab to the N., Bombay to the S., Sind to the W., and the North-West Provinces to the B. It is traversed by the Aravalli range, N. of which lie sandy deserts, whilst the smaller portion to the S.E. contains many fertile valleys and uplands. The Loni, Chambal, and Banas are the chief rivers, and the only natural lake of importance is the salt lake of Sambhar. Cereals, cotton, pulse, hemp, and flax are the chief products, but camels, horses, and sheep are bred in considerable numbers. There are few industries save metal-work, ivory-carving, and salt-drying. Cobalt, copper, iron, alum, and zinc are worked in parts, and the supply of building stone is plentiful. Banking and money-lending flourish especially among the Marwaris.