Pyrenees The
Pyrenees, The, a range of mountains, about 240 miles in length and 50 miles in breadth, which stretches from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean and divides France from Spain. The height is remarkably uniform, the chief peaks - such as Maladetta or Nethou (11,165 ft.), Posets (11,047 ft.), Mt. Perdu (10,994ft.) and the Vignemale (10,820 ft.) - being W. of the central point. On the French side'the ascent is very gradual, but the Spanish faoe offers steeper precipioes. Very remarkable are the cirques or circular basins, that of Gavarnie being the most famous. Many ports or pnsses traverse the range, but only five are practicable for carriages. Geologically the Pyrenees consist, like the Alps, ol a grauito base capped by various sedinjentary strata, from the Cambrian to the Tertiary periods, limestones largely predominating.