Pusey, Edtvaed Bouveeie (1800-82), was born in Berkshire, a grandson of the first Viscount Folkestone. The additional name of Pusey was assumed by his father on succession to the Berkshire estates. /Educated at Eton and Christ Church, he became fellow of Oriel in 1823. After about two years spent in Germany he returned to Oxford, and from 1829 till his death held the Regius Professorship of Hebrew. Pusey was one of the chief leaders in the Tractarian controversy, and wrote the Tracts on Baptism cvncl the Eucharist. To the Library of the Fathers, edited by himself, he contributed translations of St. Augustine's Confessions and some works of Tertullian. In 1843 Pusey's views were condemned by the theologians of the university, and he was suspended from preaching for three years. After the secession of Newman he became the leader of the High Church party in the English Church, and the older school of Ritualists were called Puseyites. His chief works at this period were those on The Royal Supremacy and The Doctrine of the Real Presence. Later came the Eirenicon (1865-70), a statement of the grounds he thought proper for reconciliation with Rome. In later years he also wrote against the Rationalists, defending the received date of the Book of Daniel and the dogma of Eternal Punishment. Pusey's life by Liddon was prepared for publication by the latter's literary executors.