Prague, the capital of Bohemia, stands on both banks of the Moldau, 155 miles N.W. of Vienna. On the left bank are the Hradschin and the Kleinseite quarters; these are connected by a stone bridge, a chain bridge and five others with the Altstadt, now encircled by the Neustadt and the Judenstadt or business quarter. Among the chief public buildings are the Wyscherad (or citadel), the old palace of the kings, the palace of Wallenstein, the cathedral of St. Veitz or Vitus, the Theinkirche (associated with the memories of Huss and Tycho Brahe), and the old town hall. The Carolinum, or university, for which Prague has been celebrated throughout its history, was founded by Charles IV. in 1348, and attached to it is the ' Clementium,' with a,.fine library. Linen, cotton, silk fabrics, jewellery, sugar, glass, are made here, but the commercial importance of Prague depends on its position as the centre for the distribution of goods by rail and water. It was stormed in 1741, 1742, and 1744", and besieged in 1757. In 1848 its Liberal sympathies led to' another attack, and it was seized, but without bloodshed, in 1866, when the treaty between Prussia and Austria was signed there. It is at this moment torn by dissensions between the Slavonic and Teutonic elements in the population, the former gradually extinguishing their rivals.