Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Poynter. Sir Edward John, was born in 1836. He studied art in England and at Paris under Gleyre, and first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1862. In 1869 he was elected A.R.A., and in 1871 was appointed Slade professor at University College. In 1876 he was chosen R.A. He was for several years director at South Kensington, and principal at the training school, and in 1879 published Ten Lectures on Art. On the death of Lord Leighton in 1896 he was made President of the Royal Academy. Among his best pictures are Atalanta's Race (1878), Diadumene (1885), On the Terrace (1889), and A Visit to AEsculapius (1880).