Pondos (Ama-Pondo), a branch of the Zulu-Kaffirs who, in the national genealogies, claim descent from Zuide, founder of the nation, through Mpondo, brother of Xosa, who flourished in the 16th century. They occupy a semi-independent territory (Pondoland), about 4,000 square miles in extent, with a population of 200,000, at the southeast extremity of the continent between Cape Colony and Natal. They have maintained relations with the English since 1824, when they appealed for aid against Chaka, founder of the Zulu empire. In 1865 Taku, reputed over-lord of all the Pondos, praotically accepted the British protectorate; but, despite their engagements to live in peace and discontinue sanguinary rites, there has lately been a recrudescence of the atrocities connected with the still prevalent belief in witchcraft. The country also continues to be distracted by tribal wars; and in January, 1894, the paramount chief, Siegau, descendant of Taku, was defeated with much slaughter by Partakala, the powerful chief of the Umzizi tribe. In consequence of these disorders, Pondoland was in 1894 annexed by Great Britain.