Pomerania (German Pommern), a province of Prussia, is bounded N. by the Baltic, W. by Mecklenburg, S. by Brandenburg, and E. by West Prussia, and has an area of 11,020 square miles, being divided into the districts of Stralsund, Stettin, and Kdslin. Formerly an independent duchy, it was in 1648 partitioned between Sweden and Brandenburg. In 1814 the Swedish share was allotted to Denmark, but Prussia ultimately acquired the whole. The country is very flat, but the soil is fairly productive, yielding potatoes, rye, oats, and in parts wheat, beetroots, and tobacco. Pomeranian geese enjoy high repute throughout Germany. Forests, abounding in game, and great shallow lakes cover much of the area. The Oder with its tributaries drains the province into the Stettiner Haf, on which Stettin, the capital, is situated.