Plover, a general name for birds of the family Charadriida?, very widely distributed. They frequent the shores or marshy grounds near water, and feed on molluscs, worms, and insects; but many of them retire inland to breed. The bill is stout, moderately long, with the nostrils at the base. The legs are long and slender, the toes united by a small membrane, the hinder toe small and elevated or absent, the wings are pointed, and the secondaries long. Very many of them are valued for the table, and their eggs are considered delicacies. The Golden or Yellow Plover (Charadrins pluvialis) visits Britain in its summer migration, and breeds in the northern parts, especially in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland. The average length is about 10 inches. The plumage of the upper surface in the adult male is black spotted with yellow and white. In the breeding season the under parts are black, becoming whitish in winter. The nest is a mere hollow in the ground, lined with dry grass; the eggs are four in number, pear-shaped, greenish yellow in colour, with dark blotches and markings. These birds show great care for their young, and often feign lameness to draw intruders away from their nests. This habit is well-known in the Lapwing (q.v.), which is sometimes known as the Green Plover. The Kentish Plover (AEgialitis cantiana), first taken in 1787 at Sandwich, breeds freely in Romney Marsh, and Yarrell says that dogs are trained to find the eggs.