Piozzi, Hester Lynch (1741-1821), was the daughter of John Salusbury, of Bodvel, Carnarvonshire, where she was born. She received a very liberal education and was married in 1763 to Henry Thrale, a rich brewer of Southwark. Their house at Streatham speedily became a resort of the literary notabilities of the time, although Thrale was quite incapable of appreciating his wife's talents. Dr. Johnson became acquainted with Mrs. Thrale through Arthur Murphy in 1764, and for 20 years she remained his closest and most sympathetic friend. He travelled in Wales with the Thrales in 1774, and in France in 1775. Thrale died in 1781; three years later, much to Johnson's indignation, she married an Italian music master named Piozzi: In 1809 she again became a widow. From 1814 onwards she lived chiefly at Bath, Clifton, and Penzance. Of Mrs. Piozzi's numerous works the Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson and Letters to and from Dr. Johnson alone survive.