Pimas, North American aborigines, partly in Arizona, United States, but chiefly in the conterminous Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa; they speak numerous dialects of a stock language, which, however, has been affiliated by Bnschmann, on insufficient evidence, to the Aztec family. Chief divisions in Arizona: Pima Alta, Gila River, for 200 years allies of the Coco Maricopas; Papago, widespread in South Arizona and Mexico; Sobaipuri, Santa Cruz, and San Pedro affluents of the Gila, apparently extinct. Chief divisions in Mexico: Papago, Pima Baja, Opata, Cora, Cahita, Tarahumara, and Tepeguana. Those in the United States, collectively numbering nearly 10,000 in 1890, are now confined to the Pima Agency, 65,000 acres on both sides of the Gila River, Arizona. Those of Mexico, sometimes called "Pueblo Indians" because occupying fixed pueblo or village settlements, are estimated from 70,000 to 80,000. "But in the Pima family have been included many tribes that really belong to the Yuma and other connections.