Pichegrn, Charles (1761-1804), French general, was the son of a, labourer of Arbois in the Jura. He entered an artillery regiment in 1783, and, showing exceptional capacity on the outbreak of the Revolution, was placed in command of the Army of the Rhine and reconquered Alsace (1793). Receiving the command of the Army of the North in February, 1794, he within a year conducted three brilliant campaigns, the first of which was terminated by his victory over the Austrians at Fleurus (June 27th), the third by his entry into Amsterdam (January, 1795) and occupation of the whole of Holland. He was recalled to Paris two months later, and crushed a rising of sans-cnlottes against the Convention. Ho now returned to the Rhine; but, in spite of his great popularity, he began to intrigue for the return of the Bourbons. His treachery became known, and in December, 1795, he was superseded by Moreau As member and afterwards president of the Council of Five Hundred, he still endeavoured to promote the interests of the Bourbons, and was in consequence deported to Cayenne (1797). He escaped to England and there met Georges Cadoudal, whom he joined in his abortive attempt to assassinate Napoleon. Betrayed by a friend, Pichegru was imprisoned in the Temple, where one morning he was found strangled. His death was probably self-inflicted, but at the time it was attributed by the Royalists to Napoleon.