Peterborough, a city and parliamentary borough (one member) of' Northamptonshire, 43 miles N.E. of Northampton, on the left bank of the Nen, and a point of junction of the Great Northern. London and North-Western, Great Eastern, and Midland railways. It is an agricultural district, and has important corn and stock markets. The cathedral, founded in 655 by Penda of Mercia, was destroyed in 870 by the "Danes ; and, after being enriched by Edgar and receiving the name of Goldenborough, was burnt in 1116. It underwent rebuilding during 400 years, and shows Norman, Early English, Decorated, and Perpendicular features. The west front has three pointed arches 80 feet high, with pediment and pinnacles, the whole front forming a square of 150 feet each way. It has lately been restored. Katharine of Aragon was buried in it, and there are some I interesting remains in the precincts.